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Ta Vat Formation
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Ta Vat Fm base reconstruction

Ta Vat Fm


Age Interval: 
Changhsingian (25, 26)

East Nam Bo

Type Locality and Naming

Holostratotype: near Ta Thiet Bridge, Binh Long District, Binh Phuoc Province (x = 11°45'; y = 106° 26'). Occurs in the narrow areas of the Song Sai Gon River upstream in Binh Phuoc and Tay Ninh Province.

Synonym: Hon Quan Fm (used by Dzuy Thanh and Vu Khuc, 2011: " the Hon Quan Formation was first described by Saurin E. (1962) under the name Hon Quan Limestone (Calcaires de Hon Quan). Therefore, in this work the Hon Quan name is restored for describing the formation, and in this case the Ta Vat Formation described by Ma Cong Co (2001) is a synonym of the Hon Quan."). Calcaires de Hon Quan (Đá vôi Hớn Quản): Saurin E. 1962 (Uralo - Permien). - Hệ tầng Hớn Quán: Tổng Duy Thanh, Nguyễn Đức Khoa (in Vũ Khúc et al. 2000). - Hệ tầng Tà Thiết', Nguyễn Xuân Bao e! al. 1978; Lê Hùng (Vũ Khúc et aỉ, 1984) (Permi muộn); Vũ Khúc, Bùi Phú Mỹ et at. 1990 (part.) (Permi muộn); Nguyễn Ngọc Hoa et «/.1991 (part.); Nguyễn Xuân Bao et ứ/. 1994 (part.) (Permi muộn); Nguyễn Ngọc Hoa el al. 1996 (Permi muộn). - Loọt Bắc Sơn. phần trên: Nguyễn Vãn Liêm 1979. - Đá vôi Tà Thiết có Reichelina: Nguyễn Xuân Bao, Nguyễn Đóa 1979 (Permi muộn), - Cacbonaíolit, Bắc Sơn thượng (part): Nguyễn Văn Liêm 1985 (Permi muộn). - Hệ tầng Tà Vạt: Ma Công Cọ et a i 2001.

Lithology and Thickness

The Ta Thiet Bridge stratotype includes three following members in ascending order (Vũ Khúc, Bùi Phú Mỹ et al. 1990). (1). Dark grey limestone interbedded with marl, 50 - 80m thick, contains Nankinella cf. inflata, Reicheiina cf. pulchra, Neoendothyra dongdangensis, and Pachyphloia ovata. (2). Light grey limestone contains algal remains, 8 - 10m thick. (3). Dark grey limestone contains foraminifera Palaeofusulina prisca, Colaniella parva, Reỉchelina puỉchra, R. media, Codonofusiella sp., 40-60m thick.

Lithology Pattern: 

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Conformable on the Ta Not Fm of Wuchiapingian.

Upper contact

Unconformably underlies the Song Sai Gon Fm of Early Triassic.

Regional extent

Occurs in the narrow areas of the Song Sai Gon River upstream in Binh Phuoc and Tay Ninh Province




Apart from the above cited foraminifera in members 1 and 3 Bui Phu My collected corals WaagenophyUum (Waagenophylhtm) akasakense, W. (W.) aff. kueichowense, W. (W.) sp.


The above foraminiferal and coral assemblages indicate the Late Permian age of the host rocks, and the formation can be correlated with the Changhsingian Stage in China.

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Tran Van Tri and Vu Khuc (Editors; Geology and Earth Resources of Viet Nam, General Dept. of Geology and Minerals of Viet Nam; completed in Dec., 2011), with additional details from Tong-Dzuy Thanh and Vu Khuc (Editors; Stratigraphic Units of Viet Nam, 2nd edition; 2011; English edited by A. Boucot).